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Wednesday, December 1, 2010

His comments in an interview to be aired on CNN's Larry King Live, referred to a cable, who said "Russian democracy has disappeared" and described the Government as "an oligarchy run by security services," a phrase attributed to the US Defense Secretary Robert m. Gates.

Mr. Putin said Mr Gates were "deeply deluded", and mentioned the Washington welcomes not criticism of his own political system.

In the interview, Mr. Putin also warned that Russia would develop and implement new nuclear weapons, if the United States does not accept its proposal to integrate Russian and European missile defense — constitutes a deepening of a comment by President Dmitri a. Medvedev, in his annual State of the nation address on Tuesday.

"We have just made a proposal shows how all of us to address security, shared problem could share responsibility between us," he said, according to excerpts released by CNN. "But if our proposals will be met with a negative answer, and if further threats is built on our borders, Russia will have to ensure her own security through various means," including "new nuclear missile technologies."

Mr. Putin said that Moscow would like to avoid this scenario.

' This is no threat from our side, "he said. "We simply say this is what we expect to happen if we do not agree on a common effort there."Last month during a NATO-Russia Summit in Lisbon, the delegations discussed the President Obama invitation for Russia to take some role in the future missile defense shield, perhaps through linkage between Russian facilities and the European Shield.

At this meeting, said Mr. Medvedev suggested "sectoral missile defense," which will divide the missile shield in zones "responsibility", and to involve deep coordination between European and Russian sectors, Dmitri v. Trenin, a military analyst and Director of the Carnegie Moscow Center.NATO's proposals on cooperation is less ambitious, involves the exchange of information, but not the interdependence, and some members remain deeply mistrustful Russian involved, he said.

In the interview, Mr. Putin Wednesday bread from timid reply Russian leaders have so far given to Wikileaks cables. While a number of them refers to Russia, they have so far offered few real revelations about sensitive topics such as corruption or power relationships within the political elite.The comments attributed to Mr. Gates, contained in a cable, dated 8 February 2010, used the toughest language published so far.

Mr. Putin said, several u.s. Presidents had been selected through the electoral lists college system even if they do not win a majority of the popular vote, but that Russia do not press the point.

"When we talk with our American friends and tell them there are systemic problems" with the electoral lists college system, "we hear from them," do not disturb our affairs, this is our tradition and it will continue as. "We do not confuse us. "

' But to our colleagues, I would also like to advise you not to interfere with the sovereign choice of the Russian people, "he says.

He downplayed the impact of the release cables, calls it "no disaster" and went on to suggest that they might be counterfeits be circulated to the unclear political purposes.

"Some experts believe that someone is deceiving Wikileaks, that their reputation is undermined, use them to their own political purposes later," he said. "It is one of the possibilities that it is the opinion of the experts. "

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